PSU Bankers across the nation after performing
their duties as Essential Services Duty, amid Corona
virus pandemic they are using Social Media to make
aware of benefits from Digital Banking, Mobile banking,
Internet Banking, ATMs, UPI, BHIM, and other apps.
This Sector is helping the nation by guiding customers
to use Mask, Sanitizer, Washing Hands, etc needed to
prevent oneself infected from the Covid19 Pandemic.
Social Distancing is also maintained by Bankers and
being also encouraged to others for maintaining Social
Distance for the betterment of Society and Nation in
Bankers are using Social Media to express
their demands with concerned authorities
and Govt at the same time spreading awareness
to people about Dos and Dont’s in this situation.
This is not the first time they are on Social Network.
Many big groups of Bankers are active on Social
Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and
Now they have taken twitter as their prime tool and
they are using it very effectively.
There have trended many twitter hashtags on the top 5
one after the other. The hashtags are as follows.
They have chosen these two hashtags under the Banner
of #BankersUnited, where other groups are also trending
there tags and putting their issues promptly.
This is also going to trend today i. e. 17th May 2020.
Actually, govt has announced a package of 20 lakh Crores
for improving the Economy under #AtmaNirbharBharat.
According to past experiences and through Bankers Statement
one can easily understand that these Schemes will also be
implemented mainly through PSUBanks. So they say its
what is the #928Days trend?
Actually, the wage revision of PSU Bankers are pending from
#928Days since 2017.
Bankers are proud of Working for Nation even at this critical
time, But they demand of Early Wage revision Settlement and
insurance coverage of #50 lakhs as other Corona Warriors.
A big Salute to these #CoronaWarriors.