Artificial intelligence (AI), is known as machine intelligence because it is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. In Leading AI textbooks, AI is defined as the field of “intelligent agents”. These are devices that perceive their environment and take actions that maximize their chance of successfully achieving their goals. Therefore, the term “artificial intelligence” describes machines (or computers) that mimic “cognitive” functions associated with the human mind, such as “learning” and “problem-solving”.
The Goals of AI research include reasoning, learning, natural language processing, knowledge representation, planning, perception, and the ability to move and manipulate objects. The field’s long-term goals include General intelligence. Approaches towards AI include computational intelligence, statistical methods, and traditional symbolic AI. Many tools are used in AI. These include versions of search, artificial neural networks, mathematical optimization, and methods that are based on statistics, probability, and economics. The AI field is based upon computer science, information engineering, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, and many other fields.
At present, In the twenty-first century, AI techniques have experienced a reanimation. This is because of the concurrent advances in computer power, theoretical understanding, and large amounts of data. Also, AI techniques have become an essential part of the technology industry today. Mainly, because they help to solve many problems in computer science, software engineering, and operations research.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) |
The market of AI-
The artificial intelligence software market is growing rapidly. Its growth forecast worldwide 2019-2025. In the present year, In 2020, the global AI software market is expected to grow approximately 54 percent year-on-year, reaching a forecast size of 22.6 billion U.S. dollars
There are four types of artificial intelligence. These are as follows-
Reactive machines
These are the most basic types of AI machines or systems. They don’t have the ability to form memories or to use past experiences to inform current decisions. Example- Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-playing supercomputer, which beat international grandmaster Garry Kasparov in the late 1990s, etc.
Limited memory
This Type II class contains machines that have the ability to look into the past. For example- Self-driving cars, they observe other cars’ speed and direction.
Theory of mind
This point could be called the important divide between the machines we have and the machines we will build in the future. However, it is still better to be more specific to discuss the types of representation machines that need to be form, and what they will be about.
This is the final step in AI development. Its goal is to build systems that can form representations about themselves. Ultimately, we AI researchers will have to understand consciousness and also build machines that have it.
Latest Smart assistants, example- Siri and Alexa.
Prediction tools and disease mapping.
Drone robots and Manufacturing.
Optimized and personalized healthcare treatment recommendations.
Conversational bots for customer service and marketing.
Robo-advisors that are made for stock trading.
Spam filters found on the email.
Social media monitoring tools are introduced for dangerous content or false news.
Song or TV show recommendations that we get from Spotify and Netflix
AI machines are made using machine learning algorithms so that they can mimic the cognitive abilities of human beings and solve a simple or complex problem.
Increase work efficiency
AI-powered machines are known for their great job at doing a particular repetitive task. They work with amazing efficiency. They remove human errors from the tasks and achieve accurate results every time.
Work with high accuracy
Scientists are working to teach artificial intelligence-powered machines to have higher accuracy in solving complex problems as compared to their human counterparts
Reduce the cost of training and operation
AI uses machine learning algorithms like Deep Learning and neural networks are made to learn new things like humans do. This eliminates the need to write a new code every time we need them to learn new things.
Improve Processes
The best part about AI-powered machines being deployed for work is that they let us gather enormous amounts of data related to their work. We can process Such data to gather deep insights into the processes with quantitative analysis so that we can optimize them even further.
Although Artificial Intelligence is hailed as a boon for humanity, it is still feared by a lot of scientists and regular citizens alike. This could be clearly seen on the silver screen several times in the form of movies depicting dystopian futures created by AI machines that took over the planet. Some risks of AI are as follows –
AI is Unsustainable
Intelligent machines have an array of several processers in them. These materials or computer chips have rare earth materials like Selenium is a major constituent and the batteries of such machines run on Lithium which is a rare element in the earth’s crust. The increased mining and usage of these materials is irreversibly damaging our environment and plants at a rapid pace.
Lesser Jobs
There is no doubt that AI machines do routine and repeatable tasks much better and faster than humans. Upcoming businesses would prefer machines instead of humans, thus reducing the jobs that are available for humans. 10 jobs AI can replace-
Bookkeeping Clerks
Compensation and Benefits Managers
Computer Support Specialists
Market Research Analysts
Advertising Salespeople
Retail Salespeople
3. A threat to Humanity
Elon Musk, the smartest person working on AI in present times has stated publicly that AI is the biggest threat to human civilization in the future. This means that the dystopian future that sci-fi movies show is possible. The biggest risk of AI is that machines would gain sentience and turn against humans in case they go rogue.
Artificial Intelligence is no different than the fact that every coin has two sides. The rise of AI-powered machines has undoubtedly eased our lives in many aspects. But there is a strong need to strongly emphasize on creating ethical codes and policies that will ensure that the risks associated with AI are mitigated to the minimum.